On the surface, it might seem that for someone who loves animals so much and truly wants them free (which I do) that zoos might be uncomfortable, but in fact, I really appreciate zoos because I know about the amazing role they play in conservation. Not all zoos are the same, so it's worth researching before visiting and supporting, but places like the Bronx Zoo (which is part of the Wildlife Conservation Society) are really making a positive difference in many species.
Here are some highlights from a recent visit: Aladabra tortoise, Fennec fox, donkey, white rhino, American flamingoes, three-toed sloth.
I was also inspired by Jane Goodall's thoughts on zoos:
‘I’m always being asked again and again, “Jane, what do you think of zoos?” Groups who believe all zoos should be closed clearly have not spent the time I have out in the wild. They haven’t seen the threats destroying chimpanzee habitat; they don’t understand what it’s like to watch a chimp struggle, wounded and lame from a wire snare. But I do. I remember sitting with a group of chimps in an American zoo once. They had a really nice enclosure and I was watching the adults groom each other and the young ones play. As I watched, I remember thinking of the chimpanzee groups I had seen in the wild who are living day to day in fear. Put yourself in the position of chimpanzees for a minute. A chimp living in a zoo where people know them, love them, understand them and protect them or a chimp in the wild who may have lost their mother the week before, watching another member of the troop as they’re wounded by a bullet from a poacher. Which would you rather be? I’d rather be in the group in the zoo. And certainly in the group here at Monarto Zoo; now that’s a good life for a chimp.’ from https://www.monartosafari.com.au/jane-goodall-quotes-2019/#:~:text='I'm%20always%20being%20asked,have%20out%20in%20the%20wild.
Conservation Efforts
Every zoo that is involved in conservation has different goals, and different populations. At the Bronx zoo, I have seen radiated tortoises, American bison, snow leopards, gorillas and other species that are being helped by efforts of the Wildlife Conservation Society.
This visit, I saw new babies - there are seven new baby bison at the zoo. This is really important because the American Bison Society, and efforts of this zoo helped reintroduce American Bison to the Plains.
Not all zoos are the same, of course - do your research. Make sure that the animals are well-cared for and that the zoo is involved in conservation efforts. Animals should not just be locked away for people to stare at them, but zoos that are helping increase genetic diversity, and save animals from habitat loss - these are the zoos that matter.
Part of me wishes all animals were free - I know the rhino at the zoo deserves a wide open space to live, but I also know that the rhinos at the Bronx zoo will never be harmed by poachers or suffer from lack of food. The sloth won't fear predators and can live in peace (by the way, if you haven't read it, "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly", said the sloth by Eric Carle is a charming perspective of the peaceful nature of these sweet animals. If you love sloths and want a laugh-out-loud sloth encounter, I recommend Sloth Sleuth and The Legend of Gnawface (with the same characters) by Cyndi Marko.
If you are not able to visit a zoo that has good conservation practices, you can donate - the combined efforts of us all can help save endangered species.
We have future zoo visits planned and we hope to add more photos - there are other new babies we look forward to seeing; little blue penguins (so cute - we saw but didn't take a picture), baby tree kangaroo, baby red pandas... thank you to all the staff involved in caring for and conserving these amazing animals. We are so grateful!
Hi Oliver! I’m so grateful to you for doing this research!! I’ve felt conflicted about my love for Zoos for a long time and am relieved to hear about their many positive influences! I’ll have to look into whether or not the milwaukee zoo is part of the wildlife conservation society- here’s hoping it is. I’m not sure if you know that your dad’s cousin, Chris John, was a zookeeper in the Big Cat’s department of the mke zoo for 25 years before he passed away a few years before you were born~ but he felt very passionately about his work, and his legacy and his love live on there. When I was 10 I did a project about bonobos…
Thank you for singing the praises of zoos! I have learned so much from you about zoos and their value, and how much they are doing to help animals--especially endangered species. Your quote from Jane Goodall about zoos is very enlightening. By loving animals we are helping to take care of the earth--thank you for this blog and for all you are doing to make the earth a better place!