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Turkeys are Terrific, and Totally Awesome!


So, today is July 4th -and a lot of people think about the bald eagle. There is a myth about Benjamin Franklin advocating for the turkey to be the national bird, so we thought it is a good day to share some turkey facts.

  1. A Male Turkey has a snood (isn't that a great word!) up to 5-inch fleshy bit of skin that hangs over its beak and helps attract females.

2. Wild Turkeys sleep in trees and yes, turkeys can fly but only for a short distance (speed of about 55 mph).

3. They can change colors (well, their heads) - we know we shared this fact before, but it's so cool that it's worth repeating (see here)

4. SOUNDS! Female turkeys purr. Also, turkeys have unique voices (do you think they give each other names?) and can make up to 20 different calls/sounds.

5. Turkeys see in color and have three times better vision than humans. I mean, really, have you ever seen a turkey wearing glasses?

6. Jack the turkey was saved by Tad Lincoln (son of President Abraham Lincoln) and became a White House pet.

7. Family names

Males - Toms

Females - Hens

Young Females - Jennies

Young Males - Jacks (maybe Tad knew this?)

Babies - Poults

A group of turkeys - Rafter

8. Turkeys are really beautiful - their feathers, colors and stature are magnificent. An adult typically has 5000-6000 feathers; varied in color and size.

9. There are different species of turkeys around the world, from the domesticated turkey in North America to the Ocellated Turkey of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. Turkeys are Terrific!!!!

10. Turkey Dreams - While we don't know if turkeys dream, if YOU dream about a turkey, it may mean that "you're craving the kinship or protection of your loved ones."

And the Pima people viewed the turkey as a rain spirit.

11. Baby turkeys are incredibly cute!!!!

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Jul 05, 2024

Love your blog!


Jul 05, 2024

I absolutely love your post about turkeys!!!! Such great factual and fun information. Also funny some are considered “Jennie’s” and some “Jacks”. I look forward to your next post!!


James John
James John
Jul 04, 2024

Oh my gosh, this post is so interesting. I had no idea it was a myth that Benjamin Franklin suggested the turkey (instead of the bald eagle) as the national bird--thank you for debunking this! Also, turkey's can fly fast (55mph)--I had no idea--even if it is just for short distances. I love that turkey's heads change color....that is so cool. I also really enjoyed the videos showing the ocellated turkey; and of course, that picture of the baby turkey is !00% adorable. All in all, I learned so much from reading this--and it increased my appreciation of the turkey as a truly magnificent bird. I would vote for the turkey to be our national bird any day o…


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