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A Flamboyance of Flamingo Facts!


  1. A group of flamingoes is called.... a flamboyance!

    If you want to color your own flamboyance, this "adorable" coloring page from Birdorable might make you blush pink!

  2. Baby flamingoes (called a flaminglet or chicklet) are not pink! They are grey (and so cute!!!!)

3. There are different flamingoes around the world. This map (also from Birdorable) shows the distribution.

5. It seems like many people are intrigued by flamingoes - there are flamingo shirts, high heels, mugs and more. What is so magical? Is it their pink color? (Maybe, but there are other pink birds like the roseate spoonbill or pink robin), maybe it's their long legs? But, if you love flamingoes, you are not alone.

6. If you want to see A LOT of flamingoes, head to Tanzania and Kenya where there are more flamingoes than anywhere else in the world.

7. Why do they stand on one leg? Well...there are theories, but no clear answer.

8.Andean Flamingoes are considered Vulnerable in the Endangered Species Classification. This documentary shows some of the positive conservation work being done.

9. Flamingoes are funny? If you haven't seen the Disney interpretation of flamingoes, check it out!

10. Yes, flamingoes are often found in salty environments, lakes and such, but what about bathrooms?

11. Why a blog post about flamingoes? Well - I truly didn't know ALL that much about them, but I wanted to write about them because they ARE amazing, but really I want to use this blog to learn more about animals and share about them so that we realize we are all connected; all species matter and every animal deserves a voice. Thanks for reading!!!!!

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Jana John
Sep 03, 2024

ps- Selma was wearing a flamingo on her dress the other day! I hope she grows up to love and respect animals just the way you do


Jana John
Sep 03, 2024

Oliver! a FLAMBOYANCE of flamingoes, who knew? (Well, you did!) I just love that….thank you for sharing your wonderful research. I wonder if your dad has ever mentioned that his mom, Grandma Helene (“Omi”) loved flamingoes? Some day I’ll have to tell you why:) remind me! also, several years ago I was living in Mexico for a few months during my yoga teacher training and we had flamingos in our back yard! I actually don’t know what kind though…based on the map you shared (thank you) I guess it would have to be the American flamingo or the Andean flamingo (I only say that because we were on the pacific coast of Mexico, whereas the american flamingoes seem to be…

Sep 29, 2024
Replying to

Jana - love you and would love to talk about flamingoes or anything! Sending hugs to you, Charlie and Selma. Love, Emily and Oliver😀


James John
James John
Aug 24, 2024

Thank you so much for this post. I have always been intrigued by flamingoes, and I learned a lot about them that I didn't know from reading this. I thought it was especially interesting that they stand on one leg possibly to conserve body heat, and that it takes almost no muscular effort for them to do this--how cool. Your love of animals is very inspiring--thank you for all you are doing to spread animal awareness and to make the world a better place for everyone!


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