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11 Steps towards Vegan Living


Wherever you are in your food journey, there are always new ideas to move towards better health, more deliciousness and choices that are supporting the whole planet, especially our animal friends. Here are some ideas to try!!!!

#1 Try one-day-a week veganism

You may have heard of Meatless Mondays and it can be a good exercise to plan one day, every week to eat all vegan. Maybe you will love it and want to expand to more days, or maybe you will just find amazing recipes. It doesn't have to be Monday, of course, but there are resources about Meatless Mondays here.

#2 Have a vegan buddy

Find a friend to share the journey; to swap recipes, sample new treats and encourage you. Maybe get together once a week (or month, or blue moon) to have a vegan meal together.

If you prefer your own company, you could have a vegan plant at the table, or invite any friendly herbivore (maybe there is a squirrel, moose or deer in your neighborhood who wants to join you?)

#3 Explore foods from around the world.

Many cultures focus on plant-based foods much more than most American foods do. We have been lucky to get cookbooks from our library that range from Vegan Mexican Cuisine to cookbooks from farm sanctuaries and more. Here are two of our favorites and as always, shout out to the amazing libraries and librarians!

#4 Choose one meal to be vegan

Maybe you have a meal that is already usually vegan - expand on that; make a consistent choice to keep that meal vegan all week long. And invite a friend to join you. Then, expand

#5 Snack time

Vegan snacks are everywhere and portable - we have a few recipes posted and we look forward to adding more. Many snacks are naturally vegan - veggies and hummus, fruit salad, corn chips and guacamole, mixed nuts and fruit...

#6 Look at your home

Can you find vegan alternatives for products that you use, such as makeup (always check for cruelty-free, vegan etc.), skin and hair care? It's easy to make your own cleaning supplies; non-toxic and vegan!

#7 Clothing and furniture

Sustainable choices support the environment and thankfully there are lots of companies paying attention to the planet. Being vegan can extend to not wearing animal products, it can take some research to find the shoes you love that are vegan, but you can do it!

Furniture - choose sustainable materials so that you are supporting animal habitats as well as materials that are kind to creatures!

#8 Support vegan restaurants is an excellent resource for finding vegan and vegetarian restaurants (and groceries) in your neighborhood or before you travel somewhere new. Make sure to celebrate, write positive reviews and support those folks who are doing the work to make vegan available for all!

#9 Host a vegan potluck party

Invite everyone and anyone and make things you love and encourage each person to bring a vegan food. Share the joy of deliciousness. Even if you end up with 12 vegan desserts and no main course, it's a win! Sharing vegan food is so much fun!!!! (That's part of why I started this blog!)

#10 Support vegan causes

Donate to farm sanctuaries, buy products that are vegan, donate to organizations that protect animals and support vegan food in all situations. Write letters to create vegan options in your work place, or school or community.

#11 Learn as much as you can

There are lots of books about going vegan, and lots of cookbooks and resources available.

Find authors who speak to you and learn about the food industry, history and advocacy.

I recommend Gene Baur's Living the Farm Sanctuary Life and my mama suggests Raising Vegan Kids by Eric C. Lindstrom.

Have fun - being vegan is easy, and can help us all connect - reach out anytime; we're all in this together.

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Jana John

Hi Oliver! I am sitting here while Selma sleeps and enjoying finally getting caught up on your wonderful blog! I feel like I could comment on every one of your suggestions/steps toward becoming vegan but first I wanted to say I loved the idea of having a plant at the table to share a meal with! We also have squirrels and deer here (unfortunately no moose….yet) who we can sometimes see out the window! Great ideas. I also had to chuckle when you mentioned getting together once in a blue moon- that’s my favorite flavor of ice cream! There is a local ice cream shop here called “Purple Door” and they make a version of blue moon called purple moon…


James John
James John

Thanks for all of these wonderful suggestions. I'm so lucky to live in a vegan family so it is very easy for me to eat vegan. Your posts are inspiring, and remind me how much conscious lifestyle choices can make a difference for the entire planet. Thank you!


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